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Follow my Get Unready With Me Routine for a Blissful Nighttime Self-Care Experience!"

A Blissful Night time experience is simple and peaceful. watch the chit chat version of this routine here I don't like the idea of stressing myself out trying to make sure I finish a complicated routine. I want to prepare my body for rest. Lets get right into it....

  1. Set your mood/intention - I do this by picking a soy candle and drink for the night. You can find amazing wood wick soy candles here. My favorite is moon flower it really speaks to my feminine energy and puts a slight romantic feeling into the air. For my drink I'll either make a tea or just enjoy some room temp water.

2. Stretching- This is starting to become a non negotiable for me especially since I lift weights. Stretching increases blood flow, relieve muscle tension and even though flexibility isnt the goal for my night time stretches it does help it.

3. A simple yet powerful skin care routine - When it's time to go to bed I dont want to think about a million steps I just want to give my skin some loving and move on. Skin cycling does just the job. MY skin care routine is 5 or 6 steps depending on the night. You can check that out in my "GET UNREADY WITH ME" chit chat here.

3. Nightly supplements- Magnesium is really that girl. Specifically magnesium glycinate because it helps with sleep and relaxation along with some other benefits.

5. Affirmations or a good book- Both of these options reduce mind chatter since your focusing on something else. There was also a study in 2021 that showed 42% of people felt their sleep improve after deciding to read before bed.

A relaxing bedtime routine can make all the difference in getting a good night's sleep. By following these five simple steps, you'll be able to wind down and prepare your mind and body for deep, restful sleep. Try it out tonight and see the difference it can make!

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